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Making Automated Vehicles Work for Better Transport Services: Regulating for Impact

Photo du rédacteur: Guillaume ServonnatGuillaume Servonnat

This report explores how mobility services using automated vehicles might change the transport landscape.

How can automated transport services help enable positive outcomes for societies? How will they ensure passenger safety? What rules should apply to such new services that overlap with other, heavily regulated services like taxis and public transport? The report assesses where regulation should adapt and outlines principles for forward-looking regulation. It offers pragmatic recommendations to bring in better transport for citizens.

The full report is available here


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Mobility Masterclass est un projet d'Espaces Mobilités soutenu par EIT Urban Mobility, une initiative de l'Institut européen d'innovation et de technologie (EIT), un organe de l'Union européenne. EIT Urban Mobility agit pour accélérer les changements positifs en matière de mobilité afin de rendre les espaces urbains plus vivables.

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