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Advanced Masterclass
on Autonomous Mobility


Mobility Masterclass is a comprehensive training program designed to provide professionals in the urban mobility sector with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. The Advanced Masterclass on Autonomous Mobility is a one-year training program which will cover all the issues specific to the deployment, operation and maintenance of driverless vehicles. 


The particularity is that the course will run alongside the deployment of a real-world project integrating two autonomous shuttles on a regular bus line in the city of Leuven in  Flanders (see the project page for more information).  This unique approach guarantees that the trainees will benefit from hands-on activities and gain valuable insights into the deployment and operation of autonomous vehicles. They will have the opportunity to observe the entire process of putting an autonomous vehicle on the road, from planning and regulatory approval to operations and evaluation. Additionally, they will be able to assess the practical challenges encountered during deployment and make a broader assessment of the impact of deploying a large fleet versus a pilot project.


By combining classroom learning, webinars and technical visits with a real-world experience, the trainees will gain a comprehensive understanding of autonomous mobility and be well-prepared for the future of transportation.


one-day training courses on several topics related to self-driving vehicles


interactive webinars with key experts in the field of autonomous mobility (industry leaders, transport authorities, academia)

Study trips

site visits to self-driving vehicles pilot projects in Belgium, in Europe and beyond. 


many opportunities to network with other professionals in the transportation industry


50 000 €

50 000

Designed for organizations looking for both training and strategic advice.

Full access to the training program

Full access to webinars

Full access to study tour

Consultancy by Espaces-Mobilités


20 000 €

20 000

Ideal for participants seeking an immersive learning experience without the full scope of international tours.

Full access to the training program

Full access to the webinars

Full access to the study tours


10 000 €

10 000

Provide a selection of five training days and an access to all webinars, providing valuable insights at a great price.

Acess to 5 training days

Full access to the webinars


2 500 €

2 500

Perfect for companies or institutions seeking a targeted learning experience in a very short space of time.

A one-day training program in Leuven for up to 10 people

Structure of the programme

The Advanced Masterclass on Autonomous Mobility (AMAM) is built around clear pricing packages that cater to a broad range of participants, from high-level professionals to organisations looking for tailored solutions.

Content of the programme

Depending of your memerhsip, you and your team can attend to the following trainings, webinars and study tours

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Mobility Masterclass est un projet d'Espaces Mobilités soutenu par EIT Urban Mobility, une initiative de l'Institut européen d'innovation et de technologie (EIT), un organe de l'Union européenne. EIT Urban Mobility agit pour accélérer les changements positifs en matière de mobilité afin de rendre les espaces urbains plus vivables.

Pour en savoir plus :

Rue d'Arlon 22
1050 Bruxelles
+32 2 513 13 36
© 2024 Espaces-Mobilités
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